4 Social Media Trends You Should Know In 2023

Social Media
November 9, 2022
4 Social Media Trends You Should Know In 2023

Social media has become essential for your business growth but at the same time, it’s an ever-changing industry. Keeping up with the latest social media trends isn’t easy, but it can be incredibly beneficial. By understanding what’s happening on these platforms right now, you’ll be able to engage with your audience in ways that will help grow your business or personal brand.

If you’re looking for some inspiration for what’s coming next in social media marketing (or just want to keep up with the competition), read on to learn more about the current social media marketing trends.

1. User-Generated Content

Brand authenticity has become an important aspect of social media content. Most users now pay attention to authenticity when choosing a company. The statistics show that 83% of marketers think that authenticity is essential for the brand and according to 79% of buyers, user-generated material has a significant impact on their purchasing decisions.

User-generated content (UGC) is all about authenticity as it is content created by users. It’s a great way to get feedback from your audience and improve your product.

The idea behind UGC is that people who have just tried your product or service will share their opinion and provide some feedback to your prospects. It is a great way to create an emotional connection.

Creating an emotional connection with your customers is essential so that they can understand your brand’s values. Did you know that an emotional connection with a brand increases the likelihood of a customer recommending the business by 71%?

user generated content

By considering the fact that 92% of customers seek out recommendations and reviews from existing clients, we can understand why so many businesses go for user-generated content. The latter is the future and it isn’t surprising that it would be one of the social media trends in 2023. It’s a trend that can have a huge impact on your brand.

Digi-Tip: If you want to get people interested in what you have to say, then you need to get them involved and make them part of the conversation. 

Customers want to be heard, so here are some tips you can follow for user-generated content:

  • Organize contests and giveaways.
  • Give discounts and coupons for reviews and social media mentions.
  • Share case studies.
  • Post customer stories.
  • Share testimonials.
  • Prepare Q&As.

2. Influencer Marketing

The next 2023 social media trend that will keep its popularity is influencer marketing. As you may know, influencer marketing is the practice of using social media influencers to promote your brand or product.

The main reason for this surge is that people trust other clients more than they do brands. If a popular YouTuber says he likes your product, he’s more likely to convince people to buy it than the company itself.

Influencer marketing is when you collaborate with influencers who provide unique and interesting content to promote your products. Did you know that the return on investment (ROI) for this social media trend is 11 times higher than that of the other internet marketing techniques? This number reveals how crucial influencer marketing is for the growth of your social media presence and your company.

influencer marketing

Here are some tips for effective influencer marketing you can consider:

  • Know what you want: Before reaching out to an influencer, figure out what exactly you hope to achieve from this relationship. Is it brand awareness? Sales? Conversions? A specific number of impressions or likes? Whatever it may be, make sure that both parties’ expectations are in line before moving forward with any agreement or contract negotiation process.
  • Set a budget: No matter how large or small your budget is, set aside some money specifically for influencer marketing.
  • Create authentic content: Remember that creating authentic content will help clients trust the influencer and buy the product. People listen to reviews and recommendations only when they are authentic. Once you create inauthentic content, you will damage the customer relationship and harm your reputation.

3. Short Videos and Social Audio

Videos continue to be a top trend in social media. However, short videos are dominating because of TikTok which has changed the way people view videos. Actually, after TikTok, different social media platforms started to put an emphasis on video content as opposed to images. When you check YouTube, Instagram Reels, and Facebook, you’ll notice how popular short videos have become. Besides short videos, live videos have also become popular after the pandemic.

live videos
Digi-Tip: Once you want to promote an event, share updates, make announcements, or show some products, it’s a good idea to organize live videos.

Live shopping is growing rapidly, during which (live streams) you can encourage buyers to buy your products. This is great for establishing customer bonds and helping users to view products during live videos.

But there is one trend that will be popular as well and we cannot overlook its importance — social media audio content. We anticipate a surge in social audio in the next year, including live audio meetings, voice messages, broadcasting of events in real-time, and more.

For instance, Facebook is going to create a voice message feature where you can share stories with your voice if you don’t like appearing on camera. Instagram is also giving an opportunity to share stories with favourite songs from Spotify.

4. Paid Advertising

The 4th rising social media trend is social media ads. Social media advertisements generated $153 billion in global revenue in 2021, and it is predicted that this amount will surpass $252 billion in 2026. This is the 2nd biggest market in digital advertising. 49% of users buy products after seeing them advertised on social media. So, it’s not a surprise that social media ads will keep their popularity in 2023 as well.

Opting for social media advertising services give you the opportunity to target your audience with relevant advertisements, so you can reach out to people who are interested in what you have to offer. There are many different types of social media ads available, including post-carousel ads, video ads, and more. Instagram will likely receive the majority of social media ad spending because video and visual content are the current hot trends on social media.

Additionally, there will be more ad traffic and content marketing on LinkedIn, Youtube, and Facebook, which are considered as the best platforms for reaching business goals.

We discussed four of the most famous social media trends expected in 2023. We hope that you found our blog helpful. Ensure to double-check these trends once you want to improve your social presence.

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Tereza Marketing Manager
Tereza is an experienced digital marketing manager known for her effective strategies that drive business growth. She brings extensive experience in using digital channels to boost brand visibility and engagement.
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