6 Psychological Triggers To Boost Revenues

May 6, 2019
6 Psychological Triggers To Boost Revenues

It’s difficult to predict which methods will help to connect with consumers most effectively in the ever-changing field of marketing. At first, companies should keep an eye out for today’s marketing trends. Besides, in today’s fast-growing world, understanding consumer’s behavior and psychology are more than a necessity. Every purchasing decision your customer makes consists of several conscious and subconscious emotional triggers.

Emotion is a necessary ingredient to almost all decisions.

The first impression a visitor gets from your website has huge consequences on the purchasing habits of your customers. If we manage to trigger specific emotions in our customers prior to the purchase we can increase revenues dramatically.

The 6 psychological triggers listed below can help you to boost your conversion rates, increase traffic, and increase the value of every visitor that comes to your website with these psychological triggers.

#1 Tell Stories

People adore stories. So, start by replacing your product descriptions with product stories.
Here is a good example of product storytelling by Warby Parker that worked.

They burst out of the gate with a creative and unique brand identity that has led them to success. Besides pointing out their lower prices, their brand storytelling tells what has elevated them from random startup to enviable content creators. In other words, you should try to show not just the product but your company’s culture, production, and values.

#2 Make to feel an anticipation

We don’t have to think too long to give an example for this point. It’s Apple. Every time they launch a new product there is a long line waiting for it. They are masters of building anticipation around their product. There is a feeling of happiness deep in the anticipation.
A positive psychological setup brings positive psychological results. You should present your call to action in a positive light. Use work like “yes” on the button copy and strong, positive action words.

For example: Double your traffic in 7 days + Secret bonus.

Moreover, getting people excited about your upcoming sale or special offer will grow your subscribers’ database and will bring more people on board. For example, if there is a contest you want to share in social platforms start hinting at it in a week or two prior.

#3  Use the anchoring tool

The anchoring effect refers to when the decision maker carries out based on information provided to him. Very often clients act illogically, which makes their behavior hardly predictable.

And, they rarely take the time to learn the full facts before taking action. Instead, people tend to unconsciously accept the first info they hear with enthusiasm and make a decision based on that (whether it’s accurate or not). Actually, that is anchoring.

Here is a great example for you. Imagine you see a T-shirt with a cool design for 100$. Later, you find the same T-shirt in an online store for 70$ – 30$ less! Your next thought is “ What a great deal!” But is that right?

It’s obvious that there are a lot of products that are produced for much less than they’re sold. So, when you are thinking about saving 30$ for the T-shirt, you’re still paying 70$ for it. The difference is that you are much happier.

#4 Get social proof

Before purchasing a product most people tend to check reviews, which can have a positive influence on their purchasing habits. Marketers define social proof like “seeing someone like you utilizing, and enjoying, a product that makes you feel you want too”. This point is all about people’s wish to be a part of society. Others can easily have a huge impact on our behavior.
First thing you should do after reading this article is to start collecting customer reviews and testimonials. Transfer review to social posts and make sure users can easily read them.

Also, you can give away your best materials for free. In case you have made a helpful report that you can share with your audience for free, do it! People will start to involve you in conversations whenever your industry is discussed. Shortly said, this all gives you status based on social reference.

#5 Make loss aversion

To make a clear understanding of this point, imagine you are in your workplace and you overhear that your general manager wants to raise your salary for 100$/month. Now let’s change the scene and imagine you hear how your boss tells the HR manager about cutting your salary by 100$.

Researches showed people accept the feeling of losing and gaining vastly different.

There is a high possibility that people will choose not to lose over getting the same thing. This psychological phenomenon is called loss aversion.

To benefit from this trait craft your product message should talk of what your potential clients can lose if they don’t buy something rather than what they would gain if they did buy. “Hurry up, only 2 in stock!” This message can make the client feel that he’s missing something.

#6 Make scarcity work for you

Most of us have read about Maslow’s pyramid of hierarchy, which is demonstrating the basic needs of our clients. We can feel anxiety and fear if there is luck of our basic needs like love, food, money, etc. This is a threat of scarcity.

The main goal with the scarcity marketing is to create a feeling of urgency through a well-structured call to action; to make your clients act faster. Tell people a background story about why your product or services is a special/limited edition. With this trick, you can easily capture your customer’s attention.

We can tell for sure, that psychology plays a huge role in retention. Apply these triggers now to truly connect with people’s minds, hearts, and souls.

Also, read:
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Tereza Marketing Manager
Tereza is an experienced digital marketing manager known for her effective strategies that drive business growth. She brings extensive experience in using digital channels to boost brand visibility and engagement.
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