The Beginners’ Guide to Agile Project Management

December 27, 2019
The Beginners’ Guide to Agile Project Management

What is Agile Project Management?

Agile is modern, agile is flexible. So, agile project management is an iterative approach to project management and project processes. With the help of this method, you can break big projects down into simple sections. Insights collected from the critique of an iteration are used to improve the next steps of the project. It gives you and your team a chance to adapt to change more quickly and deliver work faster.

Today, developers, construction companies, and even marketing teams can benefit from agile project management, and it’s simple to set up and utilize.

What are the 12 Principles of Agile?

Agile project methodologies can be as different as each individual team, but to guide your decisions check these 12 main principles of APM.  Moreover, If your company is new to agile, it can be an opportunity to get out of the traditional waterfall project management mindset.

Here we go:

  1. Change the environments. Agile processes utilize change for the customer’s competitive advantage.
  2. Collaborate with stakeholders closely on a daily basis.
  3. Deliver a product or service with a higher frequency.
  4. Stay motivated for optimal project outcomes. So, provided teams with all the necessary tools and support, and are trusted to accomplish project goals.
  5. Satisfy your customer. It is always the most important factor and is achieved through early and continuous delivery.
  6. Arrange face-to-face meetings. They are the most efficient and effective format for project success and conveying information within different teams.
  7. Measure the success with a final working product.
  8. Promote sustainable development.
  9. Pay continuous attention to technical excellence and proper design.
  10. Be simple. Simplicity is a core element.
  11. Develop the best architectures and designs with self-organizing teams.
  12. Keep regular intervals to improve efficiency through fine-tuning behaviors.

What are the Popular Agile Methodologies?

Within agile 3 are some frequently used or popular methods, with Scrum, Kanban, and Lean being the most popular. Some agile methods include:

  1. Scrum
  2. Kanban
  3. Lean (LN)
  4. Extreme Programming (XP)
  5. Adaptive software development (ASD)
  6. Feature-driven development (FDD)
  7. Scrumban
  8. RAD(Rapid Application Development)

What type of team members are there?

Here are a few universal characteristics that agile team members should have:

  1. T-shaped. A valuable team member has a wide range of basic knowledge about their subject and deep experience and information in one specific field.
  2. Cross-functional. In this case, members have skills outside their professional fields. They might have some experience in graphic design basics and data analysis or even some HTML/CSS.
  3. Adaptable. If your team members have a mixed skillset, they know how to use it. No matter the environmental changes, their output remains consistent.
  4. Curious. Ask the right questions and challenge the way things have always been when it’s appropriate. This is a part of optimizing and becoming more efficient.
  5. Entrepreneurial. An agile team member is one that doesn’t wait for the tasks. They’re ready to fill in and develop campaigns where they see a need.
  6. Committed to excellence. One of the key benefits of agile projects is delivering quality work but do it faster. Teams that tend to excellence don’t settle for average.

What are the Benefits of Agile

Agile was developed for the IT industry to improve all processes in an effort to quickly identify and adjust for issues and defects. It allows delivering a better product, in a faster manner, through interactive sessions.

Agile helps ensure company-wide process and methodological alignment. In terms of business benefits, agile provides:
  • Continuously increasing transparency
  • Continuously increasing flexibility
  • Continuously increasing productivity
  • Higher quality deliverables
  • Increased stakeholder engagement and satisfaction.
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Tereza Marketing Manager
Tereza is an experienced digital marketing manager known for her effective strategies that drive business growth. She brings extensive experience in using digital channels to boost brand visibility and engagement.
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