Holiday Marketing Trends of the Past and Adapting to the Present

Digital marketing
January 3, 2022
Holiday Marketing Trends of the Past and Adapting to the Present

If there is one thing that the COVID-19 pandemic has taught marketers is that having a proper digital presence is essential for a company’s growth. Especially in the recent year, the need for an upgraded and new website had shifted from an option to being a total need. In order to be relevant in 2022, your marketing plan must keep up with the digital evolution.

So set your alarms. Make a note on your calendars. The year’s greatest shopping occasion is approaching. Regardless of what one celebrates, the winter Christmas season is typically a time of joy, celebration, and reconnection for families and friends. Marketers have long been looking for new, interesting, and authentic methods to creatively engage and target different groups and demographics, and they have been discovering new, engaging, and authentic ways to do it. Effective and inclusive marketers find methods to involve everyone in the holiday cheer, whether it’s Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, or Christmas.

But the list of activities seems infinite, whether it’s updating your landing pages, increasing brand recognition with seasonal marketing campaigns, finding new ways to target new clients, and everything in between.

So let’s review some of the most important tips that will help your business to stay ahead of the competition for this holiday season.

Make the Best Use of Video Marketing

Short-form content is already on the rise, and it shows no signs of abating. Some of the most popular video-based content channels include Instagram Reels, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts. Video marketing is expected to perform an even bigger part in marketing in 2022, due to its ability to catch the interest and lead to more interaction than other forms of content. It’s also in your best interest to create more short video content, as the Instagram algorithm likes Reels highly. To put it another way, more videos equals more visibility.

How to Get Ready for Video Marketing’s Rise:

  • Make an effort to create high-quality video material for your company. You can make use of Canva to help you out
  • Participate in social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram Reels
  • Make the best use of user-generated content
  • Make video creation a bigger part of your budget

Invest in Voice Search Optimization

People use voice assistants for regular web searches in 48% of cases. More marketers will optimize their information for voice search as a result of this expanding number. Voice search optimization, unlike text SEO, places a stronger emphasis on long-tail keywords and inquiry questions. Why? People typically ask questions in entire sentences when they communicate.

To remain on top of this marketing trend, use sites like Answer The Public or SEO tools like Ahrefs, Semrush, and Google Keyword Planner to uncover the most frequently asked questions in your business. Finally, because half of all searches are conducted on a mobile device, ensure that your website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly to increase your SEO performance.

Benefit From the Rise of Influencer Marketing

The influencer industry has exploded in the last year and will likely grow at the same and even better speed. Influencer marketing is anticipated to grow into a $15 billion industry by the end of 2022. Tik Tok’s quick expansion is responsible for much of this increase. Influencers have demonstrated that their supporters will pursue them across platforms, giving creators and brands additional exposure.

Would you like to know what’s driving this trend? Facebook intends to pay $1 billion to creators in 2022. More businesses may locate influencers who are perfect for their niche now that there are more influencers accessible and incentivized to provide content. Almost half of the marketers say they’ll spend more than 20% of their revenue on influencer content because they see a strong return on investment.

If you having a hard time finding the right influencer for your brand, make sure to check our guide on the tools of influencer marketing.

Feel free to ask our marketing experts any questions regarding the new trends to boost your business.

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Tereza Marketing Manager
Tereza is an experienced digital marketing manager known for her effective strategies that drive business growth. She brings extensive experience in using digital channels to boost brand visibility and engagement.
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