3 Easy Ways to Advertise on Twitter and Build Brand Awareness

Social Media
February 18, 2016
3 Easy Ways to Advertise on Twitter and Build Brand Awareness

“Creativity without strategy is called art, creativity with strategy is called advertising.”

Twitter used to be a simple, neat and cute tool to send your laconic messages, break news and distribute content to a global audience.

Today Twitter has become a powerful marketing platform that helps brands and businesses to make a splash.

Are you thinking about running a Twitter ad?

And wondering what your options are?

Go on reading!

Setting up a Twitter advertising is not a difficult task. And for a very small amount of money it can provide an additional stream of traffic, customers and revenue.

Determining your campaign budget is considered to be the very first step. It is important to set a total and daily budget. This means that you will need to decide the value of a new follower, lead or click-through to your website.

After you will need to divide your total budget by the number of days you are going to run the ad.

When you get all this ready, it is the high time to set up advertising for the three most important and effective objectives: Which are increasing followers, traffic and generating leads!

#1 Attract New Followers

The follower campaign ad is specially designed to boost your visibility and increase your followers growth.

They appear as a “Promoted Tweets” in a user’s timeline.

When all is ready go to “Twitter Ads”,  enter your country, time zone and payment details. Then choose followers from the Select a Campaign Objective menu, and give your new campaign a name.

Set the campaign dates afterwards and select your preferred audience.

Next,  enter the location, gender and language of the people you want to reach and the devices you want your ads to appear on.

Moreover, you can target your tweets with the people based on their interests, occupations, hobbies, etc.

As soon as you are complete to define your audience, select your daily maximum budget and total budget for the campaign.

At the end, create several variations of the same tweet to see which one is performing better. In your tweets Include such words as “Follow us” and state the reason why they should follow you.

Click save and have launched your campaign. The campaign will be on when it gets approved by Twitter advertising team.

 #2 Generate Leads

To grow your lead list, you’ll be creating Leads on Twitter campaign. In these types of campaigns, your Tweets will be promoted to a targeted group of users and will include a Lead Generation Card.

Lead Generation Cards include an image, an offer and the user’s name and email address pre-filled. With one click, they can safely and securely send you their contact information without ever leaving your Tweet.

Go to the Create New Campaign drop-down menu and choose Leads on Twitter. Choose your audience, customize the ad visibility and set your budget.

Create your Tweet, which is considered to be your Lead generation card, click save and launch it.

#3 Drive Traffic and Conversations

It is an open secret that website clicks or conversation campaign is used to drive traffic to your website and generate conversions like page views, email signups or product purchase.

To get started, go to the Conversion Tracking option under Tools in the top navigation bar and click Create New Website Tag.

Next, you will need to choose your preferred conversion type, such as Site visit, Purchase, Download or Sign up.

When all is done, Twitter then generates a piece of code for you, which you will need to place on a specific page of your website for the conversion. So that you can see the successful conversions in your campaign reports.

Get your Tweets and your account in front of more people who are interested in you. Only pay when users follow your account or retweet, like, reply, or click on your Promoted Tweet. You’re in complete control. There’s no minimum spend, and you can start and stop at any time.

Over to you!

Have you used Twitter advertising in the past? Has it been effective?

Looking  forward to hearing your stories.

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Tereza Marketing Manager
Tereza is an experienced digital marketing manager known for her effective strategies that drive business growth. She brings extensive experience in using digital channels to boost brand visibility and engagement.
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