A Strong Email Campaign Boosted Open Rates to 40% | Moe Hasham Case Study

Case Study Digital marketing
December 29, 2022
A Strong Email Campaign Boosted Open Rates to 40% | Moe Hasham Case Study

Toronto-based independent mortgage broker Moe Hasham helps buyers find mortgages that work best for them. At the start of his collaboration with Digilite, the client asked us for strong email marketing campaigns that would reach and connect to his target audience, keep the current clients engaged, provide recent updates on the mortgage process, and get referral business. Afterward, we could measure the performance of engagement and communication by looking at the open and click rates of emails. Let’s take a closer look at how our team of digital specialists achieved optimal results in a very short time.

The Challenge

To remain on the mind of clients and be considered one of the leaders in the mortgage industry, you need to create a strong email marketing strategy. And since there are so many skilled professionals throughout Toronto who can help buyers find a mortgage, you need a creative and unique approach to stand out. And that’s possible with catchy and engaging emails that generate leads.

The Approach

Our team did a lot of research and analyzed the user’s behaviour to find out how to increase the number of open rates and click-through rates. Here is how our team achieved promising results:

  • Catchy subject lines: The first and most important part of our work was coming up with strong subject lines that would make customers open the email. We used personalization, emojis, and key phrases, such as how to, why, when, etc. Then we examined each phrase by inserting them into subject line testers to see the results.
  • Personalized campaigns: Next, since many people expect personalization in emails, we’ve decided to personalize each text email or newsletter by starting the email with customers’ names to increase the number of open rates.
  • High-quality images: We paid special attention to including images in the newsletter so that it would be more readable and navigable. We created images that included information about the topic and tips or tricks.
  • One call-to-action (CTA): As in most cases, it’s better to limit the number of CTAs so as not to bother customers and help them take action. When there are too many CTAs, customers get overwhelmed. So, that’s why we used one strong CTA to catch customer’s attention.
  • P.S. section: We added a P.S. section in some emails as well to create urgency and add extra thought.
  • Poll: To ensure that customers like what they receive, we’ve also added polls in each newsletter to ask customers to rate it.


Through dedicated work, our team and the client have seen promising results: Want to boost your email marketing campaigns? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to create strong and result-driven text emails and newsletters.  

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Olga Content Writer
Meet Olga, our content creator and strategist with a passion for writing engaging narratives. With a keen eye for detail and a talent for storytelling, she breathes life into every piece of content she creates.
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