Why Your Jewelry Business Needs Shopify Integration Now

February 26, 2021
Why Your Jewelry Business Needs Shopify Integration Now

Whether small or large, your business needs a strong online presence and a fully-functioning website if you want to excel in sales from 2021 and onwards. For self-employed jewelers or jewelry store owners especially, having your personal online shop is a must if you’re striving to keep up with competitors in the field. An eCommerce solution through integrating Shopify for your website is an optimal choice. What is Shopify, for those who don’t know, or why is it one of the best options? We’ll expand on that further in a moment.

Current Market Snapshot

Nothing exceptional comes without a price and many business owners may be wary of allocating finances to new investments when the situation of the world is as rocky as it is now. The same goes for investing on even the most affordable plan for eCommerce integration for your website. Despite the ups and downs, investing in improvements for your jewelry business is more effective than remaining idle and letting your competitors surpass you.

Here are a few captivating statistics to consider:

Despite the temporary lapse in sales throughout 2020 due to COVID-19, the global jewelry market is continuing to climb in value each year. According to a Grand View Research report: “the market may grow at a compound annual growth rate of 8.1%, reaching $480.5 billion in value by 2025.”

38% of surveyed companies specialized in custom-made jewelry reported an increase in orders in 2020 according to JCK.

According to a 2020 survey: “ 55% of Canadian survey respondents seek contactless purchasing options.”

Salesforce reported in a recent survey that “58% of surveyed consumers expect to shop more online after the pandemic.”

Why Shopify?

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There are a significant number of ways you can sell your jewelry online such as selling through Instagram and Facebook shops. However, ultimately it’s best to combine this with shopping portal integration on your company’s website as well. Think in terms of your website being your store — when you generate visitors and leads, what good is having a showcase of shiny and eye-catching jewelry if your visitors can’t purchase it? You may lose potential customers this way if they aren’t able to easily navigate how to make purchases. By integrating Shopify with your website, you gain several tools that impact your sales, website ranking, and user experience.

Shopify is built exclusively for eCommerce and is a complete website solution for sellers offering features like:

  • Variety of templates for user-friendly design,
  • SEO features for web and mobile optimization,
  • Return policy integration,
  • Inventory manager,
  • “Add to cart” and login portal,
  • Shipping options,
  • Payments option integration,
  • Opportunity to leave product reviews.

Digi-Tip: Build further on your foundation when you realize the need — Digilite specializes in utilizing a wide array of Shopify plugins to extend the functionality of your store.

This Shopify integration project we did for Shop Mel Spivak brought the custom jewelry store to life with a fresh online presence. Visitors can now place orders for custom jewelry, shop the existing catalog, and add items to their wishlist. Shopping on Mel Spivak’s store is now as simple as any other online store.  We also ensured that the shopping experience was not only functional on desktop but also on mobile and tablet users. Read more about the details of the project in our case study.

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New Means for New Ends 

It is a common fear for small business owners especially that investing resources in opening an online store will not be the most effective in the case of jewelry. This is due to the assumption that most buyers, especially of precious metals, prefer to see the products in-store before purchasing. While this is true, the recent surge of traffic to online stores has changed this dynamic for a

Recently, the NY Post offered insight that worldwide lockdowns led to a rise in “retail therapy”. This was seen as an opportunity for consumers to splurge with their additional savings from working from home, as a distraction from difficult times or boredom. long time ahead. As long as the brand succeeds at showcasing their quality and trust through various channels of their online presence, buyers are still eager to purchase jewelry.
In fact, with younger consumers entering the market more every day, the more online sales you are likely to secure moving forward. Generation Z and Millennials are currently groups both in the midst of the traditional age for marriage, and currently make up two-thirds of all diamond purchases. Consumers from these groups are also more trustworthy towards online shopping and supportive of local businesses rather than opting for industry conglomerates.

Summing Up

When it seems as though the circumstances are against you, the worst you can do is remain idle. Continue to build, invest, and grow your jewelry business with tactful implementations. Shopify integration is an excellent place to start for jewelers who do not have an eCommerce website and rely solely on in-store sales.

Digilite is a Shopify certified partner and is prepared to help launch your online store to reach the stars.

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Hovsep Founder & CEO
Hovsep is a seasoned tech entrepreneur and visionary leader with over 20+ years of experience in the digital industry. He is the founder and CEO of Digilite, known for delivering innovative solutions and exceptional results for clients.
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