How to Use Influencer Marketing to Boost eCommerce Sales

November 11, 2021
How to Use Influencer Marketing to Boost eCommerce Sales

Due to its remarkable ROI, strong influencer engagement rates, and careful targeting of digital audiences, influencer marketing has established itself as a vital marketing channel for eCommerce companies. Influencer marketing enables brands to achieve their objectives by leveraging the authority of influencers through sponsored endorsements. It is, without a doubt, one of the most effective marketing strategies for eCommerce businesses of any size.

Finding the right influencers to promote your company doesn’t have to be a complicated and long process. We are here to help you with the details. Let’s check them out together.

How to Use Influencers to Promote Your Product 

Influencer marketing isn’t just another tool in a marketer’s arsenal. It addresses your clients’ needs while also increasing your profitability.

Noticeably, influencer marketing is the fastest-growing online consumer acquisition method, according to research. It outperforms organic and sponsored search, as well as email marketing.

When it comes to learning how influencers increase sales consider this: businesses earn $6.50 for every $1 invested on influencer marketing, and the top 13% earn $20 or more per hour.

Influencer marketing stats

Source: Tomoson Influencer Marketing Study

Furthermore, marketers say that when they use influencer marketing, they get more customers. When it comes to marketing through influencers, this indicates that buyers have a real interest in their brands and are more likely to acquire their products.

Finding the Ideal Influencer

The first step in launching an influencer marketing campaign is to identify a suitable influencer.

The ideal influencer will be well-known in your field. Find a group of beauty influencers who are interested in makeup if you’re a beauty brand. Find a fashion influencer who reflects your brand’s style if you’re a fashion brand and so on.

Here are some questions by our marketing experts that will help to identify your ideal influencer when searching for the right match.

  • Would they be enthusiastic about your brand?
  • Is their personality similar to the tone of voice of your company?
  • Would their creative style be a good fit for your company?
  • Is it possible for them to produce high-quality sponsored posts?
  • Would it be simple to collaborate with them?
  • Do their subscribers or followers have the potential to become customers?

The right answers to these questions will definitely assist you in narrowing down your search.

Fortunately, there is a plethora of useful tools available to assist you in your hunt for the ideal match for your brand. They give you information on the demographics and psychographics of influencer audiences, separate the influencer database into industries and categories, and give you specifics on their current ranking, the number of followers, and other important details.

Make sure to check our blog on the best tools to find influencers to promote your product and test them out to boost eCommerce sales.

You also can look for potential influencers on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms by searching for brand-related keywords.

Building Effective Relationships With Influencers

After you’ve compiled a list of influencers, the following step is to contact them and initiate a conversation. If you are searching for ways on how to send products to influencers, or influencer collaboration ideas, here is how to get an excellent working relationship started:

  • Present your brands and products to influencers

First and foremost, you must introduce influencers to your brand. Share your personal point of view and product attributes, even if they are already familiar with your company. Talk about your competitors and how you distinguish yourself in the market, as well as what makes your brand special. If you want influencers to promote a new product line, emphasize the “significant benefit” of using it.

  • Educate them about your campaign

Are influencers a vital part of  your upcoming marketing campaign? If that’s the case, be certain what you’re looking for. Are you looking for a product review? Will they do a vlog on a certain event? Will they use Instagram to share photos? To avoid future misunderstandings, make sure to smooth out the details from the start. Allowing influencers to express themselves creatively is a fantastic idea. If they’re making a video, talk about the project’s creative direction. Do not, however, hover over them or suffocate their originality.

  • Ensure that you are fairly compensated

The majority of firms compensate influencers by giving away free merchandise. There’s nothing wrong with it, but if you want to develop long-term partnerships, you should compensate them financially. After all, making videos or reviews isn’t easy. Behind the curtains, there’s a lot of work that goes into gaining more conversions, and influencers play a part in that. As a result, it’s only right that you compensate them fairly.

Creating Entertaining Content

Are you sick of reading product reviews? Don’t be concerned! There is a plethora of influencers who can generate fun content featuring your company.

It’s critical to establish the goals of your actions before you start designing your influencer marketing campaign. Are you pursuing publicity at any costs, regardless of how many sales you make? If that’s the case, big influencers, provided you can pay them, are the way to go.

However, if you want to boost eCommerce sales, you must first establish curiosity and trust. That necessitates engagement.

According to research, engagement rates vary greatly by industry. Micro-influencers, on the other hand, consistently demonstrate higher engagement rates than social media stars with 100,000 or more followers.

In fact, according to an influencer study, the average interaction rate for micro-influencers in the cosmetics business is 3.3 percent, compared to only 2 percent for celebrities.

Make the Best of Discount Codes

Another great method is to ask the influencers you’re collaborating with to distribute discount codes. Suggest that influencers include your products in their blogs or videos, and provide them with a discount code to share with their fans. Retail and fashion brands are the most common users of this technique, however, it may be applied by any business.

Branding is important on social media, and aligning your business with the proper people can help you cement your place in the industry.

First of all, it provides a place where you may showcase your company’s visual identity on a regular basis. Second, social media platforms allow you to express your message in a way that is distinctive to your company.

This is a very crucial feature of increasing sales for eCommerce stores. The mere-exposure effect is achieved by branding, both visual and non-visual. Simply expressed, this is a psychological phenomenon in which people are more likely to choose the alternative with which they are most familiar when given a choice.

Concluding Thoughts

When done correctly, an influencer marketing campaign can result in a significant increase in revenue. However, it is not a simple task to do. You must identify an influencer that embodies the voice and personality of your brand. Once they begin developing content, you must also check that their creative style is compatible with your brand.

If you’re still having trouble discovering the right influencer for your industry, entrust the work to our experienced marketers. Our specialists are experts in eCommerce marketing services, e-commerce development, and will guide you in any other related aspect.

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Tereza Marketing Manager
Tereza is an experienced digital marketing manager known for her effective strategies that drive business growth. She brings extensive experience in using digital channels to boost brand visibility and engagement.
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