How to Create an Effective Customer Journey Map

Digital marketing
February 22, 2021
How to Create an Effective Customer Journey Map

Customers – the lifeblood of your business!

Seeing the brand from the perspective of the customer/user is probably one of the most complicated yet important tasks every business should prioritize for its success.

Hence, the lesson of today is you should emphasize your customer’s pain points, needs, wants, and preferences.

What could help you along the way? The alphabet of customer-business interaction, customer journey map.

Let’s take a further step and investigate it together.

 What is the customer journey map?

Let’s put it simply. Think of a customer journey map as the visual representation of the process your customer archives a goal with your business. Through the help of the map, you can understand customers’ motivations, pain points, and needs. Hence, you can better target ways to reach them to offer your services/products.

Here is how you can benefit from Customer Journey Mapping

Customer journey maps are the best alternatives to help you get into the minds of your customers, understand their pain points, and gain valuable insights into their buying habits.  Here is how your business can benefit from customer journey mapping:

  • Understand the customer’s perspective

On a very basic level, customer journey maps help you understand why customer make a certain choice, and what’s the exact aspect of your products/service that is valuable to them. This has its own advantages which we’ll discuss in the upcoming points.

  • Anticipate multiple customer pathways

Customers are different, their buying habits, journeys, driving forces to buy are all different too. One of the advantages of customer journey mapping is that it enables you to plot several pathways through your products. Yet again it’s pretty straightforward. Try to understand the multiple ways through which your customers use your products, and you will also anticipate their prioritize and causes to buy, hence having an opportunity to invest in those pathways more.

  • Implement proactive customer service

Customer journey maps help you identify the moments when your user experience delight that makes them purchase, as well as situations where they face friction with a certain aspect of your brand. Know this ahead of time and you will also have the opportunity to maximize your brand’s value to your buyers, hence improving your brand image and sales.

  • Improve your customer retention rate

Important data alert: 33% of customers will consider switching brands after having just one poor experience with the brand. Alongside this fact, we would also like to kindly remind you that attaining a new customer is typically 5-25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one.

What should you care about this information? Knowing the exact points of your customers’ journey with your brand will definitely help you to pick areas that need improvement and reduce the risks of having unsatisfied customers who will leave your brand.

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Tereza Marketing Manager
Tereza is an experienced digital marketing manager known for her effective strategies that drive business growth. She brings extensive experience in using digital channels to boost brand visibility and engagement.
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