How to Build a Successful Ecommerce Marketing Strategy

April 22, 2021
How to Build a Successful Ecommerce Marketing Strategy

In 2021, it is predicted that there will be 2.14 billion digital buyers worldwide. That’s a huge number of potential customers. In fact, with a global population of 7.87 billion people, about 27.2% of the world’s population is predicted to shop online – and this number has been steadily increasing over time and is expected to continue. Furthermore, this number has been steadily increasing over time and is expected to continue.

Take a note here: by 2040, it is anticipated that eCommerce will account for 95% of all transactions.

Take another note: there are around 24 million eCommerce sites around the entire globe, but less than 1M of those sells more than $1,000 a year. Hence, with such a competitive market comes a lot of room to grow. Are you searching for the easiest way to get ahead of the competition? It’s simple:  an effective eCommerce marketing strategy!

The Fundamentals Of eCommerce Marketing:  

Several channels can be used to build a coherent eCommerce marketing plan, but not every channel would be right for your company. It’s critical to understand which channels can have the greatest effect on your bottom line and which can be executed with the resources available to you. Wondering what makes a successful eCommerce website, here are a few eCommerce strategies and practices for building a successful eCommerce presence.

Content Marketing:

When it comes to selling online, content marketing is a must-have technique! From product descriptions and sales banners to product images, all you put on your store is content. You can use, reuse, and adapt all of these materials to deliver value to your customers. Content serves as a foundation for your brand and can take several forms, such as the following:

  • Articles
  • Product photos
  • Product descriptions
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • GIFs
  • FAQ pages

Please note that adding new, search-optimized content to your eCommerce site regularly makes it easier for Google to crawl and index your site, as search engines process and store the information they find in an index, which is a massive archive of all the material they’ve found and deemed suitable for serving to searchers. Plus, it will help the site to rank higher in search results if you target the keywords that your users go for when searching for information or goods (user intent.) This is an important aspect of to achieve choosing the right eCommerce development services. To find more in-depth information about SEO and optimising your eCommerce pages for user intent make sure to subscribe to our emails to receive, but change to join the group of people who regularly receive valuable insights from our team of experts.

Free SEO ebook

Email Marketing: 

Over the years, email marketing has remained the go-to marketing channel for various businesses, generating an impressive $40 return on every $1 spent. The fact that emails are permission-based is one of the reasons why it remains so successful and common among retailers and consumers alike. Subscribers who consciously want to accept promotional messages can be assured that they will only receive content relevant to their interests. This guarantees a targeted group of interested potential buyers who have explicitly demonstrated intent in hearing more about your brand for eCommerce businesses. Of course, this means that email marketers must prioritize gathering contacts and creating email lists. And that is when marketing automation tools for eCommerce come to play. Platforms like Omnisend will give you dynamic and engaging sign-up forms, as well as all of the other resources you’ll need to create and nurture a thriving email list and boost your subscriptions.

Here are a few examples of automatic emails from Digilite:

  • Welcome emails: Emails sent to new account holders, subscribers, or customers.
  • Abandoned Cart emails: When a customer adds items to their cart but does not complete the order, an email is sent.
  • Browse Abandonment emails: When a known email subscriber browses your site but does not add anything to his/her card, these types of messages are sent.
  • Order/shipping confirmation emails: These transactional emails are sent after a customer completes a purchase to confirm that it was completed successfully, notify them when a product has shipped, and provide tracking information.

Keep in mind, the key is to stand out! – and Digilite can help with that!

Social Media Marketing:

When looking for ways to develop an eCommerce strategy and set your way towards finding the perfect eCommerce tips for success, you cannot ignore the importance of social media. In an ideal world, you could invest all of your resources for your success in commerce in creating a perfect cross channel promotion strategy, which would include all potential sources you’d like to explore such as the following ones:

  • Partnerships
  • SEO
  • Facebook
  • Referral
  • Affiliate
  • PPC
  • Direct mail
  • Physical retail
  • Blogs
  • Street
  • Magazine and print
  • Radio
  • Television

Useful note from Digilite: Find the right social platforms and concentrate your efforts on succeeding on those. Keep in mind the following key tips and you will see immediate results:

  • Maintain a consistent posting schedule
  • Keep a general colour scheme for your social accounts corresponding to your brand
  • Make sure to put your shop link in your bio
  • Use relevant hashtags
  • Engage with your comments

We are experts in social media marketing with years of experience and a wide range of expertise in helping eCommerce companies across various industries. To boost your social media presence make sure to contact our experts!

Referral Marketing: 

Word-of-mouth endorsements are also one of the most powerful marketing resources available to you. People trust their peers’ opinions and experiences, so making your delighted customers spread the word about your brand is pure marketing gold. You may use social proof marketing to convince your customers if you have a large marketing budget. These are referrals from colleagues, relatives, business experts, or a celebrity. In social proofing testimonials, advertisements, reviews, and other forms of social evidence may all be used. Some leading brands, including Wix, use this technique. There are also several useful resources available to assist you in developing and maintaining successful referral programs, with ReferralCandy being one of the comparably comprehensive and specialized ones. ReferralCandy is a full-featured referral platform designed specifically for eCommerce, making it ideal for enhancing the referral strategy. One of the primary benefits of this tool is that it is designed to automate every aspect of your referral program and allows you to fully customize it to your liking.

Concluding Thoughts:

With the current economic environment and the fallout from the recent pandemic, eCommerce is rising at a faster pace than ever before. People in lockdown are shopping for almost everything online, so online retailers are booming. A well-designed website is the ultimate marketing and advertising tool, accessible to the public 24/7, and capable of generating real business growth and new consumer revenue. If you already have your eCommerce website it’s time to boost your online business through a strategic marketing plan and actions. A great starting point is to follow all the mentioned fundamental points in this article. The fastest and most effective way to reach real-life results with your eCommerce selling strategy is simply by contacting our professionals!

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Tereza Marketing Manager
Tereza is an experienced digital marketing manager known for her effective strategies that drive business growth. She brings extensive experience in using digital channels to boost brand visibility and engagement.
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