A Bit of Empathy Can Be the Best Marketing Strategy – Top Globally known Brands

July 10, 2015
A Bit of Empathy Can Be the Best Marketing Strategy – Top Globally known Brands


In fact it is really worthy of being or likely to be noticed, especially as being uncommon or extraordinary.

There are a lot of advantages to be remarkable, noticed, and admirable. And really there are so many companies on the globe that are popular and successful by their right marketing strategies and approaches. Is there something unique and “tiny” that not everyone can see and seize? Is there something special hidden from the majority part of marketers? And what makes them the BEST? Getting it is not that easy of course and most of the marketers don’t have a clue where to begin.

We have compiled our very own list of globally top and remarkable marketing companies ever.

So here is the advice: Start learning from the BEST to have the BEST.

1. McDonald’s


McDonald’s is a successful and global brand. It is an open secret that only due to their marketing efforts this place has become THE PLACE TO BE! The global approach, that is bringing local flavor to many countries with very specific and unique menu items, helped put McDonald’s number 7 at Intebrand’s Best Global Brands 2012.

2. Coca-Cola


Having special mission between the lines that is to give happiness and smiles to everybody, this brand has spread its wings literally globally. Not to mention, the brand sticks with  unique ideas that invites consumers to buy their products.

3. Nike


Simple is better. There is so much that you can learn from Nike marketing strategies. Nike advertising uses the emotional branding technique of Heroism to inspire incredible customer loyalty all over the world. You are the hero, and your lazy side is the villain.

4. Apple


It’s increasingly clear that Apple is on top of their game in a way like no other. Of course the secret lies behind their amazing design standards, behind Steve Jobs emphatic adherence to Apple’s philosophy.

5. Starbucks


The Starbucks marketing strategy has led this company to its current success. Starbucks has grown from a single store in Seattle 33 years ago to 9,405 company-operated stores and 8,661 licensed stores in 61 countries. The company had a unique concept that hadn’t existed before – the coffeehouse as a gathering place. It was not only a place to drink a cup of coffee but it has become a place for socializing and intellectual discussion, particularly among students and young urban professionals.

5. Disney Land


One of the magic things that Walt Disney was so great at was the art of Marketing. Using best marketing tricks, Walt Disney obtained the place of constant wonders for tourists and local people. Do you think that this place is a Touristic trap? Well, it can also be true. But the fact is that because of right and emphatic marketing strategies, it will always remain a place for everyone.

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Tereza Marketing Manager
Tereza is an experienced digital marketing manager known for her effective strategies that drive business growth. She brings extensive experience in using digital channels to boost brand visibility and engagement.
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