How is AR Changing the Digital World

Digital marketing
September 11, 2019
How is AR Changing the Digital World

The demand for a better, faster, and more powerful technology rises exponentially. As a result, it seems that currently, the real and digital worlds are merging into one. One of the revolutionary solutions at the forefront of the digital transformation is, of course, Augmented Reality (AR) with its promising opportunities of capturing content in the best of both, our virtual and real worlds. AR is becoming a marketing trend and is predicted to be a big deal with social media in 2019, with major promises of change in the digital world.

But have you ever thought of how far can we go with AR? Let’s have a deep thought and an amazing journey of understanding the Augmented Reality and its effects on the current digital world, together.

Ready for the flight? Then tighten up your seatbelts. We are STARTING!

Augmented Reality in a nutshell: 

Dear passengers, our first destination would be to understand what AR is and what you need to know about it. AR is simply the practice of using digital technology to overlay information in text, image, or a video format to better enhance the real world around us. As a user of AR, you would normally need a smartphone, tablet or headset to witness the “magic” of it. To make it clear, AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) are two completely different things.

Unlike VR, which operates only in the way of immersing the user in a computer-generated world, AR adds some virtual elements to the real world surrounding the user, with the help of digital overlays.

As a result, it has become evident over the years that AR has the power to embrace our imagination to an absolutely different level than VR, allowing us to operate in virtual and real worlds. AR is especially important for the digital world of marketing, considering the fact that it provides marketers with the ability to convert a static object, such as a printed magazine, a business card, or a printed advertisement into an engaging and entertaining  3D experience. And even that is not the limit of AR. According to ISACA survey,  62% of respondents were disposed towards using AR in shopping, and healthcare. This could be an example of the extent to which AR can progress. In fact, AR is currently achieving greater heights in various other fields as travel and tourism, healthcare, education, and more.

4 benefits of AR in marketing.

Dear passengers, as we have already explored the land of AR, now it is time to have a look at the ways your business can benefit from its use.

Ready for the benefits? Let’s break them all down!

1. Innovation and Interest

It is no surprise that users want to be entertained. They long for a new and different form of entertainment that would stand out among the repetitive social media ads or outdoor advertising. It seems that AR perfectly matches the user’s expectations. It is relatively new and has a mood of novelty, progress, and futurism in it. It also evokes curiosity on how it works and functions which intrigues a lot of people’s attention.

On top of that, AR campaigns can merge into the overall company brand, and make you in the list of top globally known brands.

With the use of AR technologies and content, company’s image can stand out as an innovation-driven, up to date, novel, and futuristic, which on its turn would create a positive emotional response among your target audience.

2. Flexibility

AR technologies can offer your business nearly endless creative solutions and variations. AR stands out from other traditional methods of marketing and advertising, with the fact that it contains an open space for solutions of various industries: automotive, healthcare, interior design, retail, education, music, etc. Apart from that, AR solutions are not limited to any frames or rules, or scripts, or print. So, customers are always welcomed to wait for innovative solutions that would combine all kinds of realities and platforms for their AR campaigns.

The flexibility aspect also concerns the finances related to AR. It has a wide range of opportunities and tools for small and medium businesses, as it is an emerging solution ready for experiments. However, it is also open to collaborations for big companies such as Google, Coca-Cola, and many more who are already integrating AR solutions into their campaigns.

3. Interactivity

One of the primary benefits of AR is the fact that it contains different solutions from both the virtual and real-world, which makes it more interactive for the users. Users experience how their usual environment merges into digital elements, where they can do a bunch of fun activities like decorating their house, playing educational games, building a 3D hotel just in their backyard, and many more. And anything more than just watching automatically increases customer engagement dramatically.

4. Better customer experience

Interestingly, research suggests that around 65 percent of users find ads annoying, mainly because they find it disturbing for their activities. AR ads, especially the ones that are personalized to customers’ needs and interests, give the users more value and positive connotation, which ultimately results in improved customer experience, eventually also improving the customer/brand relationships.

Dear passengers, here we are with the final boarding call from our trip to understanding AR and its effects on our current digital trends and transformations. Do not forget to take all of this information as luggage with you for the progress of your business.

Fly safe! Do not forget to come back for more trips with Digilite Airlines!

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Tereza Marketing Manager
Tereza is an experienced digital marketing manager known for her effective strategies that drive business growth. She brings extensive experience in using digital channels to boost brand visibility and engagement.
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